İşlem Yapılıyor.
Akademik Bilgi Yönetim Sistemi

Fatma TORUN, Ph.D., got undergraduate degree in 2008 at Adıyaman University, Faculty of Education, Department of Social Studies Education and got a master's degree in 2011 at Adıyaman University, Social Sciences Institute.  Her master's thesis had the effect of educational games on academic achievement, attitude and permanence in children's rights education. Torun got Ph.D. degree from Gazi University, Educational Sciences Institute, Social Studies Education, 2015. Fatma TORUN completed her doctoral thesis with a study titled “The Relationship Level Between Argumentation-Based Teaching And Decision-Making Skills İn Social Studies Course”. Dr. Torun's research interests include social studies education, decision-making skills, argumentation, educational games, children's rights and teacher education. Fatma Torun has been working as an Assistant Professor in Adıyaman University, Faculty of Education, Social Studies Education Program since 2019 and as the head of the department of this program.

Oluşturulma06 Aralık 2012 17:19