İşlem Yapılıyor.
Akademik Bilgi Yönetim Sistemi
    He was born in a farmer's family in the village of Ceyırlı, Shamakhi of Azerbaijan. He won the Mechanical-Mathematics
Faculty of Azerbaijan State University in 1975 and completed his master's degree in 1980 with outstanding success.
He worked as a research assistant at the Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences, Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics between 1980-1986.
On April 20, 1987, he received his PhD in Physics-Mathematical Sciences. He worked as a Scientist at the Mathematics and
Mechanical Institute of the Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences between 1986-1990 and as a Major Scientist between 1990-1995.
He worked as Executive Scientist at the Mathematics and Mechanics Institute between 1995-2004. In 1994, he was awarded
the title of Chief Scientist by the Azerbaijan Presidency High Certification Commission. He worked as an Associate
Professor at Gaziantep University, Faculty of Science and Literature, Department of Mathematics between 2004-2007.
In 2008, he started to work as an Associate Professor at Adıyaman University, Faculty of Science and Letters,
Department of Mathematics. He has been working as Professor and Head of Department at the same university since 2011.
He is married and has 3 children. Scientifically, he conducted research on the Spectral Properties of Differential and Difference Operators
, whose Coefficients are Generalized Functions. He has more than 75 scientific articles on this subject.

Oluşturulma06 Mart 2013 14:39