- Miyosmin’nin camsı karbon elektrot ile elektrokimyasal özelliklerinin incelenmesi ve miktar tayini16.12.2020 - 16.12.2020Özet bildiriUluslararasıİngilizceThe International Eurasian Conference on Biotechnology and Biochemistry (BioTechBioChem 2020)ÖNAL GÜNAY,KESKİN ERTUĞRUL,LEVENT ABDULKADİRPolisiklik Aromatik Hidrokarbonlardan Benzo a piren in Bor ile Dope Edilmiş Elmas Elektrot Kullanılarak Yüzey Aktif Madde Varlığında Kare Dalga Sıyırma Voltametrisi ile Analizi29.06.2010 - 29.06.2010Özet bildiriUlusalTürkçe24. Ulusal Kimya KongresiYARDIM YAVUZ,LEVENT ABDULKADİR,KESKİN ERTUĞRUL,ŞENTÜRK ZÜHREDetermination of B Blocker Acebutalol In A Pharmaceutical Formulation By Flow Injection Analysis FIA With UV Detection International Symposium On Pharmaceutical Sciences24.06.2003 - 24.06.2003Özet bildiriUluslararasıİngilizce7th International Symposium on Pharmaceutical Sciences (ISOPS-7)KESKİN ERTUĞRUL,ŞENTÜRK ZÜHRE,CAN NAFİZ ÖNCÜ,TUNÇEL MUZAFFERAdsorptive Stripping Voltammetry of Potential Carcinogenic Agent, Benzo[a]pyrene at Disposable Pencil Graphite Electrode—Its Quantitative Determination in Human Urine23.09.2009 - 23.09.2009Özet bildiriUluslararasıİngilizce5th Black Sea Basin Conference On Analytical ChemistryKESKİN ERTUĞRUL,YARDIM YAVUZ,ŞENTÜRK ZÜHREDetermination of Thiourea by Baseline-Corrected Square-Wave Voltammetry at Pencil Graphite Electrode08.10.2009 - 08.10.2009Özet bildiriUluslararasıİngilizce8th. International Electrochemistry Meeting(ECM)LEVENT ABDULKADİR,KESKİN ERTUĞRUL,YARDIM YAVUZ,ŞENTÜRK ZÜHREHypericum Perforatum L. (Kantaron Otu) ve DMBA Uygulanmış Ratların Dokularındaki DMBA Düzeyinin HPLC ve Voltametrik Yöntemler ile Belirlenmesi21.06.2010 - 21.06.2010Özet bildiriUlusalTürkçe5. Ulusal Analitik Kimya KongresiYARDIM YAVUZ,LEVENT ABDULKADİR,EKİN SUAT,KESKİN ERTUĞRUL,OTO GÖKHAN,ŞENTÜRK ZÜHREFirst electrochemical study of tobacco minor alkaloid myosmine on pencil graphite electrode and its quantitative determination using differential pulse voltammetry”07.10.2020 - 07.10.2020Özet bildiriUluslararasıİngilizce2nd International Eurasian Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology (EurasianSciEnTech 2020)KESKİN ERTUĞRUL,LEVENT ABDULKADİR Preparation and Characterization of Oxidative Pretreated Pencil Graphite Electrode and its Performance in the Electrochemical Analysis of Gallic Acid22.09.2020 - 22.09.2020Özet bildiriUluslararasıİngilizce3rd International Conference on Physical Chemistry and Functional Materials (PCFM 2020)KESKİN ERTUĞRUL Studies On The Potent Carcinogen 7 12 Dimethylbenz a anthracene At Glassy Carbon And Pencil Electrodes Adsorptive Stripping Voltammetric Determination In Bulk Aqueous Forms And Human Urine Samples And Detection of DNA Interaction08.10.2009 - 08.10.2009Özet bildiriUluslararasıİngilizce8th. International Electrochemistry Meeting(ECM8)YARDIM YAVUZ,KESKİN ERTUĞRUL,LEVENT ABDULKADİR,ÖZSÖZ MEHMET EMİN ŞENGÜN,ŞENTÜRK ZÜHREAdsorptive Stripping Voltammetry of Potential Carcinogenic agent 7 12 Dimethylbenz a anthracene at disposable pencil graphite electrode its quantitative determination in human urine23.06.2009 - 23.06.2009Özet bildiriUluslararasıİngilizce9th International Symposium on Pharmaceutical Sciences (ISOPS9)KESKİN ERTUĞRUL,YARDIM YAVUZ,LEVENT ABDULKADİR,ŞENTÜRK ZÜHRESimultaneous Determination of Caffeine and Chlorogenic Acid in Coffee, Cola and Energy Drinks Using a Boron-Doped Diamond Film Electrode by Square-Wave Voltammetry16.09.2012 - 16.09.2012Özet bildiriUluslararasıİngilizce8th Aegean Analytical Chemistry DaysKESKİN ERTUĞRUL,YARDIM YAVUZ,ŞENTÜRK ZÜHREElectrochemıcal study of zeatın phytohormone on a boron-doped dıamond electrode: ıts adsorptıve strıppıng voltammetrıc determınatıon25.08.2013 - 25.08.2013Özet bildiriUluslararasıİngilizceEUROANALYSIS XVIIYARDIM YAVUZ,EREZ MEHMET EMRE,KESKİN ERTUĞRUL,ŞENTÜRK ZÜHREElectrochemical determination of Norepinephrine by adsorptive stripping voltammetry using a boron doped diamond electrode04.10.2015 - 04.10.2015Özet bildiriUluslararasıİngilizce66th Annual Meeting of theInternational Society of ElectrochemistryKESKİN ERTUĞRUL,YARDIM YAVUZ,LEVENT ABDULKADİR,ŞENTÜRK ZÜHRE novel oxidative pretreated pencil graphite based paracetamol sensor: preparation, characterization and application to tablet analysis26.06.2018 - 26.06.2018Özet bildiriUluslararasıİngilizce12th International Symposium on Pharmaceutical Sciences (ISOPS)KESKİN ERTUĞRUL,ERTÜRK ALİ SEROL performance of pretreated boron-doped diamond electrode for determination of phytoestrogen daidzein in the existence of cationic surfactant21.08.2020 - 21.08.2020Özet bildiriUluslararasıİngilizceEuro Asia 7th. International Congress On Applied SciencesKESKİN ERTUĞRUL,SHABNAM ALLAHVERDİYEVA,YARDIM YAVUZ
- Kantitatif Analiz Laboratuvar Uygulamaları2016Ders KitabıUlusalTÜRKİYETürkçeYüzüncü Yıl ÜniversitesiYARDIM YAVUZ,KESKİN ERTUĞRUL,AYDIN FUNDA,SUBAK HASRET,ERŞEN DUDU TUBA
- Electrochemical Determination of Flavonoid Fisetin in Commercial Dietary Supplements Using a Boron‐Doped Diamond Electrode1.2023HakemliÖzgün MakaleUluslararasıTürkçeWiley2365-6549SHABNAM ALLAHVERDİYEVA, KESKİN ERTUĞRUL, YÖRÜK İBRAHİM, YARDIM YAVUZ stripping voltammetric determination of higenamine on a boron-doped diamond electrode improved by the use of an anionic surfactant1.2020HakemliÖzgün MakaleUluslararasıİngilizceSENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL-SHABNAM ALLAHVERDİYEVA,TALAY PINAR PINAR,KESKİN ERTUĞRUL,YUNUSOĞLU ORUÇ,YARDIM YAVUZ,ŞENTÜRK ZÜHRE quantification of a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agent diflunisal based on the enhancement effect of cationic surfactant on boron-doped diamond electrode1.2021HakemliÖzgün MakaleUluslararasıİngilizceMacedonian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering1857-5625","1857-5552KESKİN ERTUĞRUL,SHABNAM ALLAHVERDİYEVA,ALALİ AMER,YARDIM YAVUZ quantification of an anesthetic drug propofol (2,6-diisopropylphenol) on boron-doped diamond electrode in the pharmaceutical formulations1.2021HakemliÖzgün MakaleUluslararasıTürkçeJournal of the Serbian Chemical Society0352-5139","1820-7421KESKİN ERTUĞRUL, SHABNAM ALLAHVERDİYEVA, ÖZOK HANDE İZEM, YUNUSOĞLU ORUÇ, YARDIM YAVUZ Electrochemical Examination of Myosmine at Glassy Carbon Electrode: Sensitive Determination in Tobacco Leaves by Differential Pulse Voltammetry8.2021HakemliÖzgün MakaleUluslararasıTürkçeElectroanalysis1040-0397","1521-4109ARAL TARIK, ÖNAL GÜNAY, KESKİN ERTUĞRUL, LEVENT ABDULKADİR electroanalytical investigation and simple quantification of a thrombopoietin-receptor agonist drug eltrombopag in the presence of cationic surfactant at a non-modified boron-doped diamond electrode10.2020HakemliÖzgün MakaleUluslararasıİngilizceDiamond and Related Materials0925-9635SHABNAM ALLAHVERDİYEVA,ÇALIŞIR MERYEM,KESKİN ERTUĞRUL,YARDIM YAVUZ,ŞENTÜRK ZÜHRE investigation and determination of hepatitis C antiviral drug ledipasvir at a non-modified boron-doped diamond electrode5.2020HakemliÖzgün MakaleUluslararasıİngilizceDIAMOND AND RELATED MATERIALS0925-9635SHABNAM ALLAHVERDİYEVA,KESKİN ERTUĞRUL,TALAY PINAR PINAR,YUNUSOĞLU ORUÇ,YARDIM YAVUZ,ŞENTÜRK ZÜHRE Determination of Fluoroquinolone Antibiotic Norfloxacin in the Presence of Anionic Surfactant Using the Anodically Pretreated Boron‐Doped Diamond Electrode11.2020HakemliÖzgün MakaleUluslararasıİngilizceChemistrySelect2365-6549KARAHAN FATİH,BAŞI ZEHRA,KESKİN ERTUĞRUL,TALAY PINAR PINAR,YARDIM YAVUZ,ŞENTÜRK ZÜHRE of tramadol in pharmaceutical forms and urine samples using a boron-doped diamond electrode7.2020HakemliÖzgün MakaleUluslararasıİngilizceJOURNAL OF THE SERBIAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY0352-5139KESKİN ERTUĞRUL,SHABNAM ALLAHVERDİYEVA,ŞEYHO ESMA,YARDIM YAVUZ determination of norepinephrine by adsorptive stripping voltammetry using a bare boron-doped diamond electrode12.2019HakemliÖzgün MakaleUluslararasıİngilizceRevue Roumaine de Chimie0035-3930KESKİN ERTUĞRUL,YARDIM YAVUZ,LEVENT ABDULKADİR,ŞENTÜRK ZÜHREElectrooxidation of thiourea and its square wave voltammetric determination using pencil graphite electrode1.2011HakemliÖzgün MakaleUluslararasıİngilizceReviews in Analytical Chemistry2191-0189LEVENT ABDULKADİR,KESKİN ERTUĞRUL,YARDIM YAVUZ,ŞENTÜRK ZÜHRE of 7 12 Dimethylbenz a Anthracene in Orally Treated Rats by High Performance Liquid Chromatography and Transfer Stripping Voltammetry4.2012HakemliÖzgün MakaleUluslararasıİngilizceCombinatorial Chemistry High Throughput Screening13862073YARDIM YAVUZ,LEVENT ABDULKADİR,EKİN SUAT,KESKİN ERTUĞRUL,OTO GÖKHAN,ŞENTÜRK ZÜHRE behavior of benzo a pyrene at boron doped diamond electrode A study of its determination by adsorptive transfer stripping voltammetry based on the enhancement effect of anionic surfactant sodium dodecylsulfate7.2011HakemliÖzgün MakaleUluslararasıİngilizceTalanta00399140YARDIM YAVUZ,LEVENT ABDULKADİR,KESKİN ERTUĞRUL,ŞENTÜRK ZÜHRE determination of mixtures of caffeine and chlorogenic acid in beverage samples using a boron doped diamond electrode11.2013HakemliÖzgün MakaleUluslararasıİngilizceTalanta00399140YARDIM YAVUZ,KESKİN ERTUĞRUL,ŞENTÜRK ZÜHRE of Benzo a pyrene in Aqueous and Nonaqueous Media Adsorptive Stripping Voltammetric Determination at Pencil Graphite Electrode6.2010HakemliÖzgün MakaleUluslararasıİngilizceElectroanalysis10400397KESKİN ERTUĞRUL,YARDIM YAVUZ,ŞENTÜRK ZÜHRE studies on the potent carcinogen 7 12 dimethylbenz a anthracene Adsorptive stripping voltammetric determination in bulk aqueous forms and human urine samples and detection of DNA interaction on pencil graphite electrode1.2010HakemliÖzgün MakaleUluslararasıİngilizceTalanta00399140YARDIM YAVUZ,LEVENT ABDULKADİR,KESKİN ERTUĞRUL,Sengun Ozsoz Mehmet Emin,ŞENTÜRK ZÜHREın camsı karbon elektrot kullanarak farmasötik formulasyon ve insan idrarından kortizolün hızlı kare dalga voltametrik analizi6.2019HakemliÖzgün MakaleUlusalTürkçeKonya Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi2147-9364KESKİN ERTUĞRUL determination of paracetamol in pharmaceutical tablet by a novel oxidative pretreated pencil graphite electrode12.2018HakemliÖzgün MakaleUluslararasıİngilizceIonics0947-7047KESKİN ERTUĞRUL,ERTÜRK ALİ SEROL Electroanalytical Methodology for the Determination of Hordenine in Dietary Supplements using a Boron‐doped Diamond Electrode7.2019HakemliÖzgün MakaleUluslararasıİngilizceElectroanalysis1040-0397SHABNAM ALLAHVERDİYEVA,KESKİN ERTUĞRUL,TALAY PINAR PINAR,YARDIM YAVUZ,ŞENTÜRK ZÜHRE and rapid voltammetric determination of cephalosporin drug cefixime on boron-doped diamond electrode10.2019HakemliÖzgün MakaleUluslararasıİngilizceMonatshefte für Chemie - Chemical Monthly0026-9247KESKİN ERTUĞRUL,SHABNAM ALLAHVERDİYEVA,ŞEKER HAMZA,YARDIM YAVUZ