İşlem Yapılıyor.
Akademik Bilgi Yönetim Sistemi

Müslüm ALTUN received his bachelor's degree from Yıldız Technical University, Faculty of Science and Literature, Chemistry Department in 2006, and his Master's (2009) and PhD degrees from Hacettepe University, Faculty of Science, Department of Chemistry in 2013. The title of his master's thesis is “Preparation of cation-exchange based monolithic columns to be used for the purification and pre-concentration of catecholamines in micro total analysis system (µ-tas)” and the thesis was supervised by Prof. Dr. Perihan ÇAĞLAR. The title of his Phd thesis is ‘’Removal of chromium and arsenic in high speed bioreactors with sulfate reducing bacteria’’ supervised by Prof. Dr. F. Sema BEKTAŞ. He worked as a Project Specialist in GAP Regional Development Administration, Economic Development and Entrepreneurship General Coordination (2010-2014). As of 2014, he is working as a Assistant Professor at the Materials Engineering Department of Adıyaman University.

Oluşturulma04 Aralık 2014 10:52