İşlem Yapılıyor.
Akademik Bilgi Yönetim Sistemi

Serbay DURAN, is a faculty member at Adıyaman University in Turkey.

He received his doctorate in Applied Mathematics from Fırat University in 2012 and was awarded the title of associate professor in Applied Mathematics by the UAK in 2022.  

He also has many research papers on applied mathematics published in SCI, SCI Expanded.

He also has a book on Algebra and a project on education.

He is a member of the Mathematics and Science Education Department at the Faculty of Education.

Serbay DURAN, who was Associate professor at Adıyaman University in 2012, is still working as a lecturer at Adıyaman University Faculty of Education.

Oluşturulma07 Aralık 2012 11:30