İşlem Yapılıyor.
Akademik Bilgi Yönetim Sistemi

Prof. Dr. Kocadaş was born in Samsun. He completed his primary and secondary education in Samsun. He graduated from İnönü University, Department of Sociology in 1993. He received his master's degree in the Department of General Sociology and Methodology at İnönü University, Department of Sociology in 1996, with a thesis entitled "Analysis of the Effects of Mass Media on the Political Institution", and in 2003 he completed his doctorate in the same department at İnönü University on "Visual Media and Violence Culture" (Secondary Education). He concluded with his thesis titled “The Effect of Visual Media on the Violence Tendency of the Age of Youth -Malatya Province-”.

Research Assistant in General Sociology and Methodology Department at Inonu University Sociology Department on March 21, 1994 and Res. Asst. Grv. Dr. worked as. He was appointed as Assistant Professor to Adıyaman University Faculty of Education on January 31, 2007. In September 2007, he established the Department of Sociology at the Faculty of Science and Literature of Adıyaman University and led the establishment of the Philosophy, Psychology, English Language and Literature Departments in the same faculty. Between 2007 and 2011, he assumed many administrative duties, including the assistant dean, in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. He is still working as the head of the department of sociology, which he is the founder of.

Working area; violence, suicide, social deviance and crime sociology, sociology of institutions, drug and drug addiction, communication sociology, youth sociology, history of sociology, Turkish sociology history and research methods in sociology; He has many published books, numerous articles published in national and international journals, symposium notices, and works as an editor and referee in many journals.

Oluşturulma09 Mayıs 2013 15:12