A. Uluslararası hakemli dergilerde (SCI, SCI-Expanded) yayımlanan makaleler :

A1. Kurt, Ş., Zorba, Ö., 2005. The effects of different levels of non-fat dry milk and whey powder on emulsion capacity and stability of beef, turkey and chicken meats. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 40: 509-516.

A2. Zorba, Ö., Kurt, Ş., Gençcelep, H., 2005. The effects of different levels of skim milk and whey powder on emulsion density and apparent yield stress of different meats. Food Hydrocolloids, 19(1): 149-155.

A3. Zorba, Ö., Kurt, Ş., 2006. Optimization of emulsion characteristics of beef, chicken and turkey meat mixtures in model system using mixture design. Meat Science 73, 611-618.

A4. Kurt, Ş., Zorba, Ö., 2007. Emulsion characteristics of beef and sheep offal. Journal of Muscle Foods, 18(2):129-142.

A5. Zorba, Ö., Kurt, Ş., 2008. The effects of different plant oils on the some emulsion properties of beef, chicken and turkey meats. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 43:229-236.

A6. Kurt, Ş.,Zorba, Ö., 2009. The effects of ripening period, nitrite level and heat treatment on biogenic amine formation of ''sucuk'' - a Turkish dry fermented sausage. Meat Science, 82:179-184.

A7. Kurt, Ş.,Zorba, Ö., 2009. Response surface optimisation of pH and ionic strength for egg yolk emulsion. Poultry Science, 88:2422-2427.

A8Kurt, Ş., 2010. Effects of pH and chitosan on beef emulsion properties. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 45:140-146.

A9. Kurt, Ş., Zorba, Ö., 2010. Effects of nisin and nitrite on some of the chemical characteristics of “sucuk” – a dry fermented Turkish sausage. Asian Journal of Chemistry, 5:3664:3670.

A10Kılınççeker, O., Kurt, Ş., 2010. Effects of chickpea (Cicer arietinum) flour on quality of deep-fat fried chicken nuggets. Journal of Food Agriculture & Environment, 18 (2):47-50.

A11. Kurt, Ş., Zorba, Ö., 2010. Effect of ripening period, nitrite level and heat treatment on the chemical characteristics of Turkish dry fermented sausage (sucuk). Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 23(8):1105-1111.

A12. Kurt, Ş., Zorba, Ö., 2010. The microbiological quality of Turkish dry fermented sausage (sucuk), as affected by ripening period, nitrite level and heat treatment. Food Science and Technology Research, 16(3):191-196.

A13. Kurt, Ş., Zorba, Ö., 2010. Biogenic amine formation in Turkish dry fermented sausage (Sucuk) as affected by nisin and nitrite. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 90:2669-2674.

A14. Kılınççeker, O., Kurt, Ş., 2010. The Sensory Quality of Pearl Mullet (Chalcalburnus tarichi) Fillets Coated With Different Coating Materials. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 10(4):471-476.

A15. Kurt, Ş., Klınççeker, O., 2011. Performance optimization of soy and whey protein isolates as coating materials on chicken meat. Poultry Science, 90(1), 195-200.

A16. Kurt, Ş., Zorba, Ö., 2011. Proximate Composition of Dry Fermented Turkish Sausage (Sucuk) as Affected by Ripening Period, Nitrite Level and Heat Treatment. International Journal of Food Engineering, 7(1), Article 17.

A17. Parlak, Ö., Zorba, Ö., Kurt, Ş., 2011. Modelling with Response Surface Methodology of the Effects of Egg Yolk, Egg White, and Sodium Carbonate on Some of the Physical-Chemical and Sensory Properties of Beef Patties. International Journal of Food Engineering, 7(2), Article 1.

A18. Kurt, Ş., Klınççeker, O., 2011. Mixture optimization of beef, turkey, and chicken meat for some of the physical, chemical, and sensory properties of meat patties. Poultry Science, 90:1809-1816.

A19. Kurt, Ş., Klınççeker, O., 2012. The effects of cereal and legume flours on the quality characteristics of beef patties. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg, 18(5):725-730.

A20. Kurt, Ş., Zorba, Ö., 2012. Response Surface Evaluation of the Sensory Quality of Turkish Dry Fermented Sausage (sucuk) as Affected by Ripening Period, Nitrite Level and Heat Treatment. International Journal of Food Engineering, 8(4), Article 8.

A21. Parlak, Ö., Zorba, Ö., Kurt, Ş., 2014. Modelling with Response Surface Methodology of the Effects of Egg Yolk, Egg White and Sodium Carbonate on Some Textural Properties of Beef Patties. Journal of Food Science and Technology-Mysore, 51(4), 780-784.

A22. Kılınççeker, O., Hepsağ, F., Kurt, Ş., 2014. The effects of lentil and chickpea flours as the breading materials on some properties of chicken meatballs during frozen storage.  Journal of Food Science and Technology-Mysore (DOI: 10.1007/s13197-013-1019-6)

B. Uluslararası bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitabında (Proceedings) basılan bildiriler :

B1. Kurt, Ş., Klınççeker, O., 2011. Some nutritional and meat yield​​values of fishşabut (Tor grypus) caught in Atatürk Dam Lake. 4th International Congress on Food and Nutrition, 12-14th October, İstanbul, Turkey. (Bildiri Özeti Basılmıştır)

B2. Kurt, Ş., Zorba, Ö., 2011. Optimisation of pH and egg yolk protein concentration for emulsion capacity of egg yolk. 4th International Congress on Food and Nutrition, 12-14th October, İstanbul, Turkey. (Bildiri Özeti Basılmıştır)

D. Ulusal hakemli dergilerde yayımlanan makaleler :

D1. Kurt, Ş., Zorba, Ö., 2004. Model sistemde farklı tür etlerine yağsız süttozu ve peyniraltı suyu tozu ilavesinin süspansiyon ve emülsiyon pH’sı ve protein konsantrasyonu üzerine etkileri. Gıda, 30(2): 131-138.

D2. Kurt, Ş., Zorba, Ö., 2004. Transglutaminaz ve proteinlerin modifikasyonunda kullanımı. Gıda, 29(5): 357-364.
D3. Kurt, Ş., 
Zorba, Ö., 2004. Bakteriyosinler ve gıdalarda kullanım olanakları. YYÜ Vet.Fak. Derg., 16(1):77-83.

D4. Zorba, Ö., Kurt, Ş., 2004. Yüksek Basınç Uygulamalarının Et ve Et Ürünleri Üzerindeki Etkileri. YYÜ Vet.Fak. Derg., 16(1):71-76.

D5. Kurt, Ş., Küçüköner, E., Zorba, Ö., 2005. Kesim sonrası sığır etinde meydana gelen biyokimyasal değişimler. Gıda, 30(3): 203-208.

D6. Kurt, Ş., Zorba, Ö., 2005. Kitin (chitin), kitosan (chitosan) ve türevlerinin gıdalarda kullanım olanakları. Gıda, 30(6): 371-378.

D7. Kurt, Ş., Klınççeker, O., 2011. Kaplama materyali olarak kullanılan soya ve peyniraltı suyu protein izolelerinin tavuk etinin duyusal kalitesi üzerindeki etkileri. Gıda Teknolojileri Elektronik Dergisi, 6(2):9-15.